© 2025 iFramePlayer • Developed by SiteDevelopment4You
iFramePlayer is a free service for viewing and sharing video posts from other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion). This is made possible by utilizing the iFrame functionality.
With iFramePlayer, you can personalize videos from these platforms by adding a custom title and note, replacing the original ones. Moreover, you’ll avoid most or all of the distracting ads that usually appear on the original platforms (though this can vary between platforms and videos).
The process is simple: instead of sharing the video link directly on websites, emails, or social networks, create a video post on iFramePlayer. Enter the video’s URL and optionally add a custom title and note. Then, share the post URL from iFramePlayer to your desired location.
Registration on iFramePlayer is free, and you can access limited functionality even as a non-registered user.
Please note that hosting videos directly on iFramePlayer is not possible.
► First, copy the URL to your clipboard:
● For active links – in the browser’s navigation bar, highlight the URL and copy it (on Windows, press Ctrl+C or right-click on the selected area, then choose “Copy”).
● For common links and Facebook links – right-click on the link and choose “Copy link” or “Copy link address” (depending on your browser).
● For YouTube – click on the “Share” option under the video, then click the “Copy” button.
► Next, go to the “URL” field in the post creation form and paste the copied address (on Windows, press Ctrl+V or right-click inside the input field and select “Paste”)
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